Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, January 29, 2010

Week 9

Hi all! I'm starting a baby blog both for my own sake in keeping a journal of symptoms and experiences, and, since I don't see many of you very often, as a way to keep you updated on how my pregnancy is progressing. My friend, Caitlin, gave me the idea--her baby boy is due any day now!

As most of you know, Mike and I got pregnant around the time of our wedding last June, but I miscarried a few days after he deployed to Afghanistan in late August. As physically and emotionally painful as the experience was, it definitely made us realize how ready we were to start a family. Luckily, we're both extremely fertile; we're pregnant again! I'm about 9 weeks along, and our baby is due September 5. Although we couldn't be more excited, I've been so anxious this time around. Fortunately, the second trimester is just a few weeks away, and to say I'm ready for it would be an understatement, both for the anxiety relief, and to kiss some of these draining symptoms goodbye.

Exhaustion, check. Constant indigestion, check. Nausea any time I eat, check. Constipation, check. Bloating, check. Mood swings, check. Yes, all of the pregnancy cliches are very true. And, although I know all of them won't disappear over the next few weeks, it will at least be refreshing to gain back some energy. The combination of fatigue, nausea, and indigestion makes me wonder sometimes whether I'm pregnant, or just permanently hungover. Just kidding! No alcohol for me these days. Sigh. According to most of the books and websites, surging hormones and metabolism, and a slowed digestive system are to blame for these intruding symptoms. Another culprit is that my body is actually growing a new organ to support the baby: the placenta. As much as science is behind everything that's going on, it does seem pretty miraculous to think that a woman's body grows an entirely new organ, specifically for the purpose of supporting the extra life inside!

It’s such a crazy feeling to think about a little person developing and growing inside me. Right now, our baby is just a little smaller than a grape, and we’re already wondering if it will be a boy or a girl. Our friends, Missy and Brice, just welcomed their little Britton into the world in November, and Caitlin and Brian will welcome their little Case any day now. With their boys, we think our odds are for a girl. Any bets? We won't find out for sure until around 18 weeks (April-ish), so we've got quite a while to go. We did, however, get to see him/her in an ultrasound a few days ago! Although its profile looks more like Mr. Peanut than a baby right now, it was so reassuring to see its fluttering heartbeat and tiny arms and legs. There really is no experience like it!


  1. Miraculous to say the least! So happy you're blogging, Kendra! Keep it up! XOXO

  2. Love the blog :) Can't wait to hear about your future pregnancy adventures!

  3. Love this!! So, so excited for all the updates...Happy Baking :)

  4. Hey Kendra! Just found your blog! How fun! I'm so excited for your pregnancy and will be praying for you and Baby Canty's safety :) It'll be fun to follow along :)

    --Amy (Fincham) Perrott

  5. This is such a great way to keep us up to date on how you are doing! Thanks!

    I can't believe you & Jess are due so close together - she's due August 28th - but I'm so excited to be getting more babies to spoil!

    Love & Hugs, Gram :-)
